present journeys alec davis shell

Here you are
A delicious moment on your present journey
a journey we call Awakening

I welcome, invite, and encourage you to bring and to share yourself wherever you are on your journey to experience laughter, joy, yoga, dance, beauty, drumming, fire, music, jouneys, earth, meditation, water, breath, silence and you
Learn with us
Share with us
Remember yourself
While ENJOYING some of the most exquisite treasures mother earth has to offer. Let’s inspire each other with our gifts of presence and welcome our spirits home

Breathe     Balance      Ease

Learn more about our
Local Workshops
Personal Sessions
Rituals, Celebrations, Trance Dance, and Yoga

"I have been a student in Alec’s yoga classes, shamanic courses, drumming sessions, trance dances and retreats for about five years. During this time I have healed from a life-long pattern of chronic stress and ill health. Today I feel more empowered, joyful and optimistic. Life is a mystery to be lived, not a problem to be solved. I am deeply grateful for Alec’s teaching and sharing of these practices."      Jeanne B. May 2019




