present journeys alec davis2

Present Journeys Monthly Journeying Circle

Jan. 18th, Feb. 15th. Mar. 15, Apr. 5th, May 17th, Jun 21st, Jul 19th, (Time 7PM PT & 10PM ET)

Most circles are held online...via Zoom, some are Hybrid, online (zoom) and in person at Maya Whole Health.  You do not need a Zoom account (although their basic account is free).  If you would like to participate please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.   Alec will reach out to you to schedule a time to connect, to discuss the possibility of your joining the monthly circle.

IMG 4723The Present Journeys monthly shamanic journey circle offers an opportunity for anyone with experience(in shamanic journeying), to spend time with other shamanically-minded individuals in a safe and sacred space.  Have a blindfold, notebook or journal and pen as well as a drum or rattle if you have one.   **Please Remember you need to have experience in Shamanic Journeying.  This is not a circle that teaches you how to journey.  If you would like to learn Shamanic Journeying please sign up for one of our workshops on Intro to Journeying, which are offered 3-4 times each year.

*Please note that there is no registration required for this event. If you have questions email or call Alec.  (Please be logged onto Zoom no later than 5 minutes past the hour.)